
Table of Contents

What is Reproducible.jl?

Reproducible.jl is a lightweight Julia package for creating reproducible reports.

```julia; <renderer>
x = 1

If you are already familiar with the fantastic Documenter.jl package, think of Reproducible as a customizable way to write @example, @repl, etc. blocks.


To render the code blocks in a source file, use the function:, <builddir>; frontmatter="", toc=false)

Note that Reproducible uses Julia’s Markdown package in the standard library, which does not parse YAML frontmatter, e.g.

title: Introduction
author: Josh Day

To work around this, frontmatter can be passed as a keyword argument to build e.g. build(src; frontmatter = "title:Introduction\nauthor:Josh Day")

Built-in Renderers

Renderers are meant to be customizable (see the Renderers section), but there are some built into Reproducible:

x = "This is rendered via `julia; run;`"
x = "This is rendered via `julia; block;`"
"This is rendered via `julia; block;`"
julia> x = "This is rendered via `julia; repl;`"
"This is rendered via `julia; repl;`"


Reproducible uses Julia’s standard library Markdown package to parse a markdown file, so any valid markdown syntax is fair game.

Here is a table
# here is some julia code with syntax highlighting

f(x) = x ^ 2

mutable struct MyStruct

Code Blocks of Other Languages

Other languages will be left alone, but there’s no reason the approach of Reproducible could not be extended via PyCall, RCall, etc.

import pandas as pd
import pandas as pd

Custom Renderers

Reproducible creates a CodeBlock object from markdown code blocks (see ?CodeBlock and ?CodeRow).

To create a custom renderer so that you can use

```julia; myrenderer; ky1 = true, ky2 = 10

you should overload

Reproducible.render(o::CodeBlock, r::Val{:myrenderer}; ky1=true, ky2=1, kw...)

which should return the String that you wish to be inserted into the output document.

Custom Renderer Example

Check the examples/make.jl file! Now we can do

1 + 1
2 + 2

the output would look like:

The first line of your code was 1 + 1
The output of that line was 2

Render Tests

Test 1

Render Test for block:

```julia; block
x = 1

y = 2
x = 1

y = 2

Render Test for repl:

```julia; repl
x = 1

y = 2
julia> x = 1

julia> y = 2

Render Test for run:

```julia; run
x = 1

y = 2
x = 1

y = 2

Test 2

Render Test for block:

```julia; block
x = 1;

y = 2
x = 1;

y = 2

Render Test for repl:

```julia; repl
x = 1;

y = 2
julia> x = 1;

julia> y = 2

Render Test for run:

```julia; run
x = 1;

y = 2
x = 1;

y = 2

Test 3

Render Test for block:

```julia; block
3×3 Array{Float64,2}:
  0.867347  -0.902914   0.532813
 -0.901744   0.864401  -0.271735
 -0.494479   2.21188    0.502334

Render Test for repl:

```julia; repl
julia> randn(3,3)
3×3 Array{Float64,2}:
  0.867347  -0.902914   0.532813
 -0.901744   0.864401  -0.271735
 -0.494479   2.21188    0.502334

Render Test for run:

```julia; run

Plot Example